[Hand-made] Mr. Whale

Today I am gonna show you my newest cuddly toy: Mr. Whale. As you can see he is made of dark blue cotton, he is smiling - obviously, he has cute heart on his butt, he can move his tale and he is squirting blue water. ;)

Idea came to me, like always, quite suddenly. I was thinking what cuddly toy to make next and while looking at my fabrics I thought that it was time for a whale. And here he is. ;)

What do you think about it?

all rights reserved :) ®


Hello! My name is Weronika. I like my family, dogs, travels, food, books, sewing and a Japanese guy who is my bf. And this is a blog about all of that. :)


  1. śmieszny :-)
    choć w pierwszej chwili myśłałam, ze to konewka ;-D

  2. Fajny uśmiechnięty wielorybek :) pozdrawiam i zapraszam również do mnie na iglanitkaraczekpara.blogspot.co.uk

  3. Fajny wielorybek, ale gdybyś nie napisała, co to, to byłoby trudno się domyślić. Trochę mu brakuje tej szczęki, jaj kształtu, jest zbyt kwadratowa, ale ja się na takich zwierzakach nie znam, więc może się mylę.
